Table 3:

Relationship between changes in extent of bone marrow edema (BME) in treated vertebral compression fractures (VCF) and corresponding decreases in visual analog score (VAS) for pain and use of analgesics in the 3 follow-up intervals after percutaneous vertebroplasty (PV) in 31 patients (subgroup A)

Change in BME ExtentFollow-up Interval after PV
0–3 mo3–6 mo6–12 mo
Decrease Mean VASDecrease Analgesic UseDecrease Mean VASDecrease Analgesic UseDecrease Mean VASDecrease Analgesic Use
Decrease in BME6.386%0.4%0%0.7%14%
Similar BME6.067%0.215%0.14%
Regression coefficient1.
95% confidence interval−4.4–1.7−2.0–0.5−1.0–0.7−0.9–0.8−1.8–0.5−1.8–0.5
BME absent6.389%0.214%0.25%
BME present6.082%0.36%0.48%
Regression coefficient0.
95% Confidence interval−1.9–2.2−1.3–0.4−0.9–0.07−0.9–0.8−1.1–0.9−1.1–0.9