Table 3:

Median and range of the numbers of common voxels between all sessions and the reproducibility coefficients between all sessions

Contrast and RegionsMedian (Range)
Number of common voxels
    Naming minus rest
        Left opercular part0 (0–42)
        Left triangular part0 (all 0)
        Left insula0 (0–13)
    Naming plus generation minus rest
        Left opercular part244 (21–523)
        Left triangular part543 (3–918)
        Left insula15 (0–376)
Reproducibility coefficients
    Naming minus rest
        Left opercular part0.00 (0.00–0.60)
        Left triangular part0.00 (All 0 or missing value)
        Left insula0.00 (0.00 or missing to 0.13)
    Naming plus generation minus rest
        Left opercular part0.49 (0.15–0.82)
        Left triangular part0.48 (0.00–0.67)
        Left insula0.07 (0.00–0.56)