Table 1:

Demographics and arteriovenous malformation specifics in 36 patients who underwent preoperative embolization with Onyx

CharacteristicsBefore EmbolizationAfter EmbolizationP value
Age (y); median (range)41 (12–62)
Sex, no. pts (%)
    Male15 (37)
    Female26 (63)
Presentation, no. pts (%)
    Hemorrhage19 (46)
    Other (seizure/headache)22 (54)
AVM specifics
    Side, no. pts (%)
        Left19 (46)
        Right20 (49)
        Midline2 (5)
    Location, no. pts (%)
        Supratentorial36 (88)
        Infratentorial5 (12)
    Eloquence*, no. pts (%)31 (77)18 (50)1.00
    Size (cm), mean ± SD3.70 ± 1.553.06 ± 1.89< .05
    Deep venous drainage, no. pts (%)20 (54)18 (50).16
No. (%) pts with reduced SMG10 (24)< .05
  • Note:—AVM indicates arteriovenous malformation; no. pts, number of patients; SMG, Spetzler-Martin grade.

  • * Eloquent regions included deep structures such as the hypothalamus, thalamus, brainstem, and cerebellar peduncles as well as cortical regions such as the sensorimotor, language, and primary visual areas.

  • Maximal diameter of the perfused nidus.