No.* | Stenting Sequence | GC into VA | Stent Type†, Size (mm) | Inflation Pressure (atm) | Stenosis (%) Pre/Post | DSA FU Stenosis (%/mo) | mRS Last FU (score/mo) |
1 | R-V1→R-V4 | Yes | R-V1 Bio 4 × 15, R-V4 Bio 3.5 × 11 | 11, 10 | 60/20, 80/0 | NA | 1/59 |
2 | R-V4→R-V1 | Yes | R-V1 Bio 4 × 11, R-V4 Cor 3 × 13 | 10, 8 | 50/0, 90/15 | NA | 0/52 |
3 | R-V1→BA | Yes | R-V1 Cor 4 × 13, BA Bio 2 × 7 | 12, 7 | 30/0, 70/0 | NA | 0/50 |
4 | RV1→BA | No | R-V1 Bio 4 × 15, BA failed | 12 | 70/0, 95/95 | NA | 6/4 |
5 | L-V4→L-V1 | Yes | L-V1 Fir 4 × 13, L-V4 Bio 3 × 28 | 14, 9 | 40/25, 70/15 | 10/6, 0/6 | 0/13 |
6 | BA→L-V1 | Yes | L-V1 Bio 4 × 15, BA Apo 3 × 8 | 15, 9 | 60/20, 70/15 | NA | 0/20 |
7 | R-V1→R-V4→R-V3 | No | R-V1 Tax 3.5 × 16, R-V4 Apo 2.5 × 13, R-V3 Apo 2.5 × 13 | 12, 16, 10 | 60/20, 70/10, 70/10 | 30/8, 30/8, 30/8 | 2/35 |
8 | L-V1→L-V4 | Yes | L-V1 Exp 6 × 18, L-V4 Bio 3.5 × 15 | 10, 12 | 95/10, 95/20 | 5/7, 10/7 | 0/34 |
9 | RV1→BA | Yes | R-V1 Exp 6 × 18 | 10, 8 | 50/0, 80/0 | NA | 0/30 |
10 | R-V1→R-V4 | Yes | R-V1 Exp 5 × 19, R-V4 Bio 3 × 15 | 10, 10 | 70/0, 80/20 | 0/7, 0/7 | 0/18 |
Note:—mo indicates months; FU, follow-up; GC, guiding catheter; Pre, prestenting; Post, poststenting; VA, vertebral artery; DSA, digital subtraction angiography; mRS, modified Rankin scale; NA, not available.
* Case 2: general anesthesia, right brachial artery access, prestenting lumen diameter of the right VAO larger than guiding catheter. Case 4: tortuous right SA, excessive (3 mm) protrusion of VAO stent into the SA, failed to advance guiding catheter into the VA, failed to cross BA stenosis with microguidewire. Case 6: concurrent contralateral (right) VAO 90% stenosis stented first, prestenting lumen diameter of left VAO larger than guiding catheter. Case 7: excessive (5 mm) protrusion of VAO stent into the SA, failed to advance guiding catheter into VA but intracranial stents successfully delivered over microguidewire. Case 8: EPD (FilterWire, Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass) used during VAO stenting. Case 10: simultaneous stenting of right intracranial ICA.
† Apo indicates Apollo stent (MicroPort Medical, Shanghai, China); Bio, BiodivYsio (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Ill); Cor, Coroflex (Braun, Melsungen, Germany); Exp, Express (Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass); Fir, Firebird (MicroPort Medical); Tax, TAXUS Express (Boston Scientific,).