Table 4:

Interval to treatment and clinical outcome compared with previous studies

TreatmentOcclusion SiteNo. Patients (Treated/Enrolled)Intervals (min)mRS 0, 1 (90 days) (%)sICH (36 hours) (%)Mortality (90 days) (%)
Onset to IVOnset to ETIV to ET
Current seriesIV + IA (+ PTA)M1, M216/29110150406306
NINDS Part 2 (1995)1IVus168119396.417
PROACT II (1999)4IAM1, M2108/121318261025
Ernst et al (2000)6IV + rescue IAI, M, A16/201222108838513
IMS–I (2004)9IV + rescue IAI, M, A, V, B62/8013621781296.314
Lee et al (2004)10IV + rescue IA (+ abciximab IV)I, M, P, B16/30135(230*)(95*)5000
Multi MERCI (2006)14IV + rescue thrombectomy (+ IA)I, M, V, B30/111na216na(33§)6.727
  • Note:—M indicates middle cerebral artery (MCA); M1, M1 segment of MCA; M2, M2 segment of MCA; I, internal carotid artery; A, anterior cerebral artery; P, posterior cerebral artery; V, vertebral artery; B, basilar artery; ET, endovascular therapy; sICH, symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage; us, unspecified; na, not available; PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; NINDS, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; PROACT, Prolyse in Acute Cerebral Thromboembolism; IMS, Interventional Management of Stroke; MERCI, Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia; IV, intravenous; IA, intra-arterial; mRS, modified Rankin Scale.

  • * Interval to angiography.

  • No. of patients treated by combined therapy.

  • Percentage in cases of MCA (M1 or M2) occlusion treated with combined therapy.

  • § Percentage of mRS 0–2.