Table 1:

Patient characteristics and plaque morphology

VariableConcentric Stenosis (n = 128)Eccentric Stenosis (n = 384)P
Patient characteristics
    Age, mean ± SD, y73.0 ± 7.572.4 ± 7.8.476
    Male, n (%)107 (84)339 (88).171
    Hypertension, n (%)116 (91)335 (87).306
    Diabetes mellitus, n (%)56 (44)159 (41).642
    Hypercholesterolemia, n (%)85 (66)232 (60).227
    Ischemic heart disease, n (%)54 (42)169 (44).719
    Peripheral artery disease, n (%)33 (26)88 (23).509
    Aortic aneurysm, n (%)13 (10)52 (14).319
    Current smoking habit, n (%)32 (25)79 (21%).292
    Alcohol consumption, n (%)28 (22)67 (17).264
Plaque morphology
    Degree of stenosis, mean ± SD, %83.5 ± 9.083.6 ± 8.0.909
        70%–79%, n (%)48 (37)141 (37)
        80%–89%, n (%)37 (29)131 (34).489
        90%–99%, n (%)43 (34)112 (29)
    Hypoechoic, n (%)48 (38)135 (35).538
    Heterogeneous, n (%)91 (72)247 (64).097