Table 3:

Comparison of unblinded and blinded patients at 1 year

VariableUnblindedBlindedUnadjusted P
Mean Roland score4.9 (SD = 5.3)4.2 (SD = 5.3).386
Mean VPAS for average pain2.9 (SD = 2.4)2.8 (SD = 2.8).407
Mean VPAS for worst pain4.5 (SD = 3.1)3.9 (SD = 3.3).221
Mean no. of sick days0.27 (SD = 0.85)0.34 (SD = 3.3).493
Mean self-efficacy pain72.0 (SD = 23.6)73.9 (SD = 21.8).749
Mean self-efficacy other75.7 (SD = 21.6)76.9 (SD = 9.9).810
Mean FAQ physical activity13.3 (SD = 7.0)13.9 (SD = 6.5).589
Mean FAQ work11.2 (SD = 10.5)11.7 (SD = 9.9).770
Mean SF-36: PF75.0 (SD = 25.4)75.7 (SD = 24.2).903
Mean SF-36: RP72.5 (SD = 38.3)73.5 (SD = 40.8).607
Mean SF-36: BP64.1 (SD = 26.5)64.7 (SD = 26.8).888
Mean SF-36: GH70.2 (SD = 24.7)75.2 (SD = 18.2).461
Mean SF-36: VT58.9 (SD = 22.1)62.4 (SD = 21.7).362
Mean SF-36: SF85.9 (SD = 24.9)86.7 (SD = 22.8).980
Mean SF-36: RE83.1 (SD = 33.1)87.4 (SD = 28.0).665
Mean SF-36: MH74.3 (SD = 20.2)81.0 (SD = 16.7).032*
  • Note:—SD indicates standard deviation; VPAS, visual pain analog scale; FAQ, fear avoidance questionnaire; SF, short form; PF, physical functioning; RP, role-physical; BP, bodily pain; GH, general health; VT, vitality; SF, social functioning; RE, role-emotional; MH, mental health.

  • * The P value for mental health, after adjusting for the multiple comparisons, was >.05, not statistically significant.