Table 3:

Results of linear regression between the value of DTI parameters and age

ROIGroupLinear RegressionR2PError MeanError SD
gCCNormY = 0.019X+0.4380.79.0010*00.04
HCPY = 0.010X+0.2940.21NS00.09
bCCNormY = 0.016X+0.4460.67.0005*00.05
HCPY = 0.005X+0.3100.03NS00.15
sCCNormY = 0.017X+0.4860.69.0003*00.05
HCPY = 0.008X+0.3650.05NS00.16
ALICNormY = 0.016X+0.3260.66.0003*00.05
HCPY = 0.014X+0.3330.30.0314*00.09
PLICNormY = 0.014X+0.4370.72.0002*00.04
HCPY = 0.021X+0.4310.55.0017*00.08
  • * P value is adjusted for multiple testing with the false discovery rate method.