Table 3:

Evolution of 76 cerebral aneurysms treated with Neuroform stent system−assisted coiling by aneurysm size

No. of AneurysmsNo. of Complete Occlusions
Immediate PostoperativeFirst Follow-Up (6.54 ± 1.56 mo)aSecond Follow-Up (16.41 ± 3.83 mo)aThird Follow-Up (37.09 ± 9.6 mo)a
D < 6 mm2310 (43.5%)11 (78.6%)14 (70%)9 (69.2%)
6 ≤ D < 10 mm329 (28.1%)16 (66.7%)19 (79.2%)9 (64.3%)
10 ≤ D < 25 mm205 (25%)9 (47.4%)11 (64.7%)8 (66.7%)
≥25 mm101 (100%)0b
  • a Mean ± SD.

  • b Not yet performed at the time of this study.