Clinical Condition: Orbits, Vision and Visual Loss

MR Imaging Head and/or Orbit Without and With ContrastMR Imaging Head and/or Orbit, Without ContrastCT Head and/or Orbit With ContrastCT Head and/or Orbit Without ContrastMRA Head and Neck With or Without ContrastCTA Head and NeckX-ray Orbit
Infant or child with orbital asymmetry, proptosis and visual loss87654a2b1
Child with slowly progressing visual loss87654a2b1
Adult with sudden onset of painless or painful visual loss87655a5b1
Adult patient with proptosis and/or painful visual loss87654a4b1
Adult patient with uveitis, scleritis, and visual loss87544a4b1
Adult patient with ophthalmoplegia96656a6b1
Head injury with visual loss5d7d39c4a4b2
  • Note:—Appropriateness criteria scale from 1 to 9, 1 = least appropriate, 9 = most appropriate.

  • a Selected cases when vascular disease is suspected. See statement regarding contrast in text under “Anticipated Exceptions.”

  • b If vascular disease suspected.

  • c In acute trauma, a scan without contrast is usually sufficient; in subacute trauma, contrast may be useful.

  • d If MR imaging safe.