Table 1:

Comparison by final AOL score and optimal number of attempts

DemographicFinal AOL ScorePValueOptimalSuboptimalPValue
0–1 (n = 23)2–3 (n = 71)n = 61n= 33
Age67.6 ± 18.365.0 ± 19.7.5865.4 ± 19.865.7 ± 18.6.94
Male sex11 (47.8)30 (42.2).8225 (41.0)16 (48.5).52
Prior history
    Hypertension11 (47.8)41 (57.7).5536 (59.0)16 (48.5).39
    Diabetes6 (26.1)12 (16.9).5112 (19.7)6 (18.2)1
    Dyslipidemia5 (21.7)22 (31.0).5619 (31.1)8 (24.2).63
    Peripheral vascular disease1 (4.3)1 (1.4).431 (1.6)1 (3.0)1
    Atrial fibrillation10 (43.5)36 (50.7).7232 (52.5)14 (42.4).39
Time to pass6:43 ± 2:556:57 ± 2:55.747:02 ± 3:056:41 ± 2:38.60
Intravenous thrombolytic6 (26.1)21 (29.6)119 (31.1)8 (24.2).63
Intra-arterial thrombolytic3 (13.0)4 (5.6).363 (4.9)4 (12.1).24
Total attempts, median (IQR)4 (2)2 (2)<.0001
Complications9 (14.8)14 (42.4).006
    Subarachnoid hemorrhage6 (9.8)10 (30.3)
    Dissection1 (1.6)1 (3.0)
    Air embolism1 (1.6)2 (6.0)
    Device fracture2 (3.2)2 (6.0)
    Intraventricular hemorrhage02 (6.0)
    Perforation1 (1.6)0
Parenchymal HT, 72 hoursa2 (13)11 (16)110 (19)3 (10)0.5
  • a Eleven patients were not included because they were not able to undergo imaging 72 hours after intervention; none of these patients had HT on post-Merci CT; 7 of these patients had a poor final-outcome AOL score, while 4 had good final-outcome AOL scores. Seven of these patients underwent the optimal number of attempts, while 4 did not.