Table 3:

Relations between patients' characteristics and PRUa

Clinical and Laboratory VariablesPPRU
Sex (male)<.001244 ± 68 vs 291 ± 78
Age (younger than 65 years).028268 ± 80 vs 295 ± 72
Body weight (≥60 Kg).031267 ± 78 vs 292 ± 76
CPG medication (≥7 days).003230 ± 96 vs 283 ± 74
Combination antiplatelet medication (yes).175263 ± 83 vs 281 ± 76
Hypertension (no).745275 ± 78 vs 278 ± 78
Diabetes mellitus (yes).184251 ± 99 vs 279 ± 76
Statin use (no).198274 ± 78 vs 293 ± 77
Smoking status (current or past smoker).071256 ± 73 vs 282 ± 79
Alcohol intake (yes).157260 ± 76 vs 280 ± 78
Hematocrit level (≥38%).008263 ± 73 vs 293 ± 81
Platelet count (<227 × 103/μL).562274 ± 80 vs 280 ± 76
Total cholesterol level (<200 mg/dL).232273 ± 80 vs 288 ± 71
HDL cholesterol level (≥40 mg/dL).225275 ± 79 vs 292 ± 69
LDL cholesterol level (≥130 mg/dL).608273 ± 75 vs 280 ± 78
Triglyceride level (<200 mg/dL).091274 ± 77 vs 299 ± 72
Procedure-related thromboembolism (no).061274 ± 78 vs 318 ± 54
  • a A group of patients denoted within the parentheses showed decreased residual platelet activity.