Table 3:

Relationship between in vivo 3T carotid plaque components and recent ipsilateral thromboembolic symptoms for 50 patients with mild/moderate carotid stenosis measured by contrast-enhanced MR angiography

VariableSymptomatic (n = 6)Asymptomatic (n = 44)OR (95% CI)PValueAUC
Plaque burden
    % wall volume61.0 ± 5.856.1 ± 9.21.93 (0.70–5.31)a.2040.689
    % stenosis on MRA50.8 ± 6.955.5 ± 9.70.61 (0.25–1.46)a.2650.339
    Ulceration on MRA50%36%1.75 (0.32–9.72).6610.568
Prevalence plaque components
    Fibrous cap thin/ruptured100%39%n/a (2.13-infinity)b.006c0.807
    Lipid-rich necrotic core100%43%n/a (1.77-infinity)b.022c0.784
    Hemorrhage67%25%6.00 (0.96–37.4).0550.708
    Calcifications67%84%0.38 (0.06–2.48).3110.413
% Volume of plaque components
    Lipid-rich necrotic core18.5 ± 12.26.6 ± 11.31.90 (1.03–3.51)a.0400.837
    Hemorrhage6.9 ± 6.61.9 ± 5.03.22 (0.97–10.71)a.0560.750
    Calcifications2.9 ± 3.74.7 ± 5.90.44 (0.05–4.02)a.4700.405
  • a OR and 95% CI for a 10% increase.

  • b Lower limit CI estimated by exact logistic regression analysis. “n/a” was used because OR cannot be calculated in the presence of zero cells in a 2 × 2 table.

  • c Fisher exact test.