Results of AVM embolization with 2-P-HEMA and evaluation of its properties

 AnimalPatent AVM2-P-HEMA ConcentrationInjection Location and Volume (mL)Injection Speed (mL/mim)Occlusion of Embolized Nidus CompartmentComplications Detected at AngiographyPostembolization MR Imaging and CT FindingTime of Follow-Up Angiography and Nidus Occlusion
1YesPurePA, 0.6; RA, 0.40.1PA complete, RA completeNonePartial infarction in right hemisphere, no 2-P-HEMA in brain vesselsAt 1 and 8 mo: PA complete, RA complete
2YesPurePA, 0.40.4PA completeVasospasmNormalAt 3 mo: complete; at 5 mo: partial recanalization
3YesPurePA, 0.7; RA, 0.40.1PA complete, RA completeNoneNormalAt 2 and 7 mo: PA complete, RA complete
4YesPurePA, 0.60.1PA completeNoneNormalAt 1 and 6 mo: complete
5YesPurePA, 0.50.1PA completeNoneNormalAt 2 and 6 mo: complete
6YesPurePA, 0.80.1PA completeNoneNormalAt 1 and 8 mo: complete
7Yes50%PA. 0.60.1PA incompleteEmbolic eventsInfarction in right hemisphere, 2-P-HEMA in brain vesselsAt 15 h: incomplete
  • * To make pure 2-P-HEMA, 11% 2-P-HEMA by volume was dissolved in 89% ethenol by volume. To make 50% 2-P-HEMA, 5.5% 2-P-HEMA by volume was dissolved in 79.5% ethanbol boy volume. Sterilized 2-P-HEMA (1 mL) was mixed with tungsten (0.005 g).