Gross anatomic features of 16 formalin-fixed normal human insulae

Insular Gyri and SulciWell Seen-CompleteWell Seen-Incomplete/Partial/HypoplasticPoorly SeenNot Seen
CS94 (15)6 (1)--
Anterior surface of insula
 Transverse gyrus100 (16)---
 Accessory gyrus100 (16)---
Convexity surface; anterior lobule of insula
 ASG94 (15)6 (1)--
 MSG56 (9)31 (5)-12 (2)
 PSG94 (15)6 (1)--
 SIS75 (12)12 (2)6 (1)6 (1)
 PIS75 (12)19 (3)-6 (1)
Convexity Surface: posterior lobule of insula
 ALG81 (13)19 (3)--
 PLG56 (9)38 (6)6 (1)-
 PostCS56 (9)38 (6)6 (1)-
Overhanging opercula
 HG100 (16)---
 Subcentral gyrus100 (16)---
 Supramarginal gyrus100 (16)---
  • Note.—Data are percentages (number of specimen). SIS indicates short insular sulcus; PIS, precentral insular sulcus.