CT parameters in 29 patients with PPH stratified by outcome

CT ParameterSevere Disability, GOS Score < 4 (n = 17)Mild Disability Good Recovery, GOS Score ≥ 4 (n = 12)P Value*Death (n = 9)Survivors (n = 20)P Value*
Mean hematoma volume (mL)6.6 ± 2.72.8 ± 1.67.9 ± 2.63.7 ± 2.1
Hematoma ≥ 4 mL14 (82)3 (25).0069 (100)8 (40).003
Hematoma < 4 mL3 (17)9 (75).006012 (60).003
Hematoma location
 Dorsal09 (75)<.00109 (45).011
 Ventral12 (70)3 (25)<.0014 (44)9 (45).23
 Massive5 (29)0.0025 (55)0<.001
Intraventricular hematoma extension6 (35)1 (8).185 (55)2 (10).01
Hydrocephalus7 (41)2 (16).236 (66)3 (15).01
  • Note.—Except for mean hematoma volume, data are number (%) of patients.

  • * Two-tailed Fisher exact test.