History, CT (or other imaging) timing/findings, DW MR timing, and outcome

Age/GenderBrief historyTime of EEG after insult and findingsTime of CT/other imaging after inciting event and findingTime of DW MR (days)Outcome after support withdrawn
#1Apneic episode during surgery, resuscitated.1 day: burst suppressionCT: 4–5 hours, No significant abnormality.3 daysBD
52/M3 days: low voltage with diffuse slowing
4 days: electrocerebral silence
#2Cardiac arrest, hypokalemia, resuscitated.2 days: electrocerebral silenceNone performed.1.5 daysBD
#3Presumed head trauma & cardiac arrest, resuscitatedNone performedCT: less than 2 hours, Small amount of SAH in sylvian fissure1.5 daysBD
NMBF: 4 days, no intracranial perfusion
#4Acute intestinal bleed, hypovolemia, apnea, asystole, resuscitatedNone performedNone performed5 daysPVS
#5Hanging/suicide with cerebral hypoperfusion7 days: slow spike & periodic burst suppressionCT: within 2 hours, no significant abnormality2 daysPVS
#6Cardiac arrest, resuscitated3 days: electrocerebral silenceCT: within 4 hours, no significant abnormality3 daysBD
  • Note.—DW indicates diffusion-weighted; NMBF, nuclear medicine blood flow study; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; BD, Brain Death; PVS, permanent vegetative state.