MR Imaging Variables in Relation to Histopathologic Findings

MR DiagnosisCortical ThickeningGM-WM BlurringWM Hyperintensity on T2WIWM Hypo-intensity on T1WI IRTapering to VentricleGM Hyper-intensity on T2WIFocal HypoplasiaWM Core AtrophyHistopathologic Diagnosis
TFCD (n = 13)10131310363
7886322TFCD with BC (n = 8)
11111TFCD without BC (n = 1)
12222CD (n = 2)
122111AD (n = 2)
Non-TFCD (n = 17)2514621716
111TFCD with BC (n = 1)
11CD (n = 1)
2512621515AD (n = 15)
  • Note.—GM indicates gray matter; WM = white matter; WI = weighted images; TFCD = Taylor’s FCD; BC = balloon cells.

    Data are number of patients.