Estimated concentrations (mmol/l) from LCModel fit

NAA6.28 (12)*9.22 (9)6.12 (12)
Cho1.87 (10)**1.29 (12)1.93 (11)
Cr5.31 (14)6.17 (12)5.71 (13)
MI10.5 (8)*3.1 (20)*6.0 (12)
Glx9.5 (25)7.7 (22)10.1 (21)
NAA/Cho3.36 (15)*7.15 (14)3.17 (16)
NAA/Cr1.18 (18)**1.49 (15)1.07 (17)
Cho/Cr0.35 (15)0.21 (18)0.34 (19)
  • Note.—The numbers in parentheses are the estimated LCModel SD expressed as percentages of the estimated concentrations.

  • * Value differs significantly from that of the hamartoma (no overlaping of the 95% confidence intervals [ie, t > 3.9; P < 0.001])

  • ** P < .02.

  • The calculated ratios represent concentration ratios and not ratios of peak areas; effects of T2 are negligible, because of the short TE. The SDs of the ratios were derived from the SD of the concentrations by error multiplication.