Surgical, pathologic, and therapeutic data

Patient No.SurgeryTherapyPathologyFollow-up
1Partial resectionRadiation: 5012 cGyTanycytes; occlusion of bilateral internal carotid arteries (Fig. 1A–D)Deceased <1 yr from initial diagnosis; bilateral, massive strokes
chemo: carboplatin vincristine
2Partial resectionRadiation: 5040 cGyTanycytes; (Fig. 2E–G)Decrease residual tumor
chemo: carboplatin vincristine
3Partial resectionRadiation: 5400 cGyTanycytes; encased circle of WillisDeceased <1 yr from initial diagnosis; cardiac arrest
chemo: carboplatin vincristine
4Complete resectionRadiation: 5400 cGyTanycytes; + GFAP stain, + synaptophysin stain (Fig. 3D and E)Lost to follow-up
5Complete resectionNoneTanycytesNo recurrence at 4 months
  • Note.—Chemo indicates chemotherapy; GFAP, glial fibrillary acidic protein.