Patients who presented with ipsilateral IPH after treatment with the PED

No.Sex/Age(yr)Co-MorbiditiesAneurysm Type/LocationSizea (Largest Diameter, mm)Previous TreatmentNo. of PEDDAT RegimenTime to Bleed (days)Hematoma Sizeb (mm)Outcome (mRS)
1M/53Smoker (40 pack-years)Fusiform/R MCA21Clipped1ASA, 325 mg; clopidogrel, 75 mg149 × 210
Started 5 days before
2F/49Smoker (68 pack-years)Saccular/L supraclinoid ICA5None1ASA, 325 mg; clopidogrel, 75 mg236 × 232
AsthmaStarted 5 days before
3F/67HTNSaccular/R supraclinoid ICA10PED (1)2Patient on DAT because of previous PED172 × 614
ASA, 325 mg; clopidogrel, 75 mg
4F/70HTNSaccular/R supraclinoid ICA9Coiled1Clopidogrel, 75 mg670 × 496
Heparin IV
Progressive aspirin desensitization
  • Note:—L indicates left; R, right; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; HTN, hypertension.

  • a Size of the filling portion of the aneurysm as seen on angiography, measured in the single largest diameter.

  • b Size measured as the largest oblique diameters on axial CT images.