Comparison of demographics of patients with myeloma on systemic therapy at the time of vertebroplasty (treated group) with patients not on systemic therapy (untreated group)a

VariableTreated Group (n = 134)Untreated Group (n = 38)
Male sex (No.) (%)74 (55%)23 (61%)
Deceased at 1 yr19 (14%)4 (11%)
Duration of pain (mo)3 (1–7)2 (1–3)
Delay in diagnosis (mo)9.5 (2.5–45)NA
No. of affected levels5 (3–10)5 (2–12)
No. of treated levels2 (1–3)2 (1–3)
  • Note:—NA indicates not applicable.

  • a Data are median (IQR) unless otherwise indicated.