Fracture Results: CT findings of subjects

StudiesTotal No.Negative Findings for Acute Cervical Spine Injury (No.)Positive Findings for Acute Cervical Spine Injury (No.)Indeterminate Findings for Cervical Spine Injury but Negative Follow-up Findings (No.)
All Studies507497 (98.0%)5 (1.0%)5 (1.0%)
Imaging appropriate by NEXUS criteria426417 (97.9%)5 (1.2%4 (1.0%)
Imaging inappropriate by NEXUS criteria8180 (98.8%)0 (0%)1 (1.2%)
Imaging appropriate by abbreviated CCR criteria297289 (97.7%)4 (1.3%)4 (1.0%)
Imaging inappropriate by abbreviated CCR criteria119118 (99.2%)0 (0%)1 (0.8%)
Imaging appropriate by CCR and/or NEXUS criteria469459 (97.9%)5 (1.1%)5 (1.1%)
Imaging inappropriate by both NEXUS and CCR criteria3838 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)