Table 3:

Prevalence of spinal meningeal diverticula and prominent nerve sheaths

ControlSIHP Value
Patients with diverticula present (No.) (%)8 (44)13 (68).141a
Diverticula per patient (mean)2.2 (3.3)6.3 (8.0).099b
Patients with prominent nerve sheaths present (No.) (%)14 (78)17 (89).405c
Prominent nerve sheaths per patient (mean)2.6 (3.1)6.1 (4.2).004c
  • Note:—Min indicates minimum; max, maximum.

  • a P value based on a χ2 test of the difference between proportions.

  • b P value based on the Wilcoxon rank sum test of the difference between medians.

  • c P value based on the Fisher exact test of the difference between proportions.