Table 1:

Etiologies of angiographic findings in nontraumatic ICH

StudyAVMAneurysmVenous Sinus ThrombosisMoyamoyaaArterial or Venous MalformationMass LesionNegative Angiography Findings
Toffol et al, 198659%12%3%3%72%
Halpin et al, 19943139%14%47%
Zhu et al, 1997825%5%2%2%66%
Griffiths et al, 19973427%22%1%50%
Hino et al, 19984024%2%4%3%70%
Yeung et al, 2009724%13%2%7%5%49%
Delgado Almandoz et al, 200967%4%3%0.3%2%84%
Delgado Almandoz et al, 201032b9%3%2%1%2%84%
  • Note:— - indicates data not available.

  • a Moyamoya refers to congenital Moyamoya disease and/or acquired Moyamoya-like syndrome secondary to chronic intracranial arterial steno-occlusive disease.

  • b Prospective cohort only who had multidetector CTA imaging.