Table 1:

Patient demographic data and summary of neuropsychological findings

Age (yr) (sex)52/M42/M39/M45/M54/M45/M69/M55/M39/M59/F
CT gradea343343NA44NA
TreatmentTrapClipClip 2ndClipClipClipClipClipClipClip
Months from treatmentb244b31333534
IQ minus MQ24384318281916192125
Delayed recall<50<50<50<50647362<50<50<50
  • Note:—R indicates ruptured; U, unruptured; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage in the bilateral lateral ventricles; Trap, trapping; Clip, clipping; NA, not applied; WAIS-III, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III; WMS-R, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised.

  • a CT grade, proposed by Claassen et al,39 classifies the severity of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage on CT scans at onset into 5 grades from 0 to 4, according to the appearance of both of SAH and intraventricular hemorrhage in the bilateral lateral ventricles: grade 0, no SAH or IVH; grade 1, minimal SAH, no IVH; grade 2, minimal SAH, with IVH; grade 3, thick SAH, no IVH; grade 4, thick SAH, with IVH. In this scaling, the definition of “thick” is “completely filling” ≥1 cistern or fissure. In 2 patients with unruptured aneurysm (patients 7 and 10), grading was not applied.

  • b Months after second clipping.

  • c MMSE, used to assess cognitive impairment (full score 30).40

  • d IQ evaluated by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III.18

  • e MQ, general memory quotient, attention/concentration quotient, and delayed recall quotient, evaluated by Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised.19 Each quotient has a mean of 100 in the normal population and an SD of 15. A substantial difference between IQ (by the WAIS-III) and MQ (by the WMS-R) scores indicates that the person with amnesia has a particular impairment in memory—but not in the “intelligence” per se.20