Table 1:

Studies included in the meta-analysis

Authors, YearNo. with GANo. with CSType of Endovascular TreatmentSelectionComparabilityOutcome
Abou-Chebl et al, 20142819685Solitaire stenta★★★★b★★★
Davis et al, 2012124848IA tPA and mechanical thrombectomy★★★★★★★
Hassan et al, 2012215383Endovascular technique not specified★★★★★★★
Jumaa et al, 2010175373IA tPA and mechanical thrombectomy★★★★★★★
Langner et al, 20132619105Mechanical thrombectomy★★★★★★★
Li et al, 2014253574Mechanical thrombectomy, IA tPA★★★★★★★
Nichols et al, 2010272649IA tPA, low-energy ultrasound★★★★★★★
Sugg et al, 201030957Mechanical thrombectomy★★★★★★★
Abou-Chebl et al, 201016428651IA tPA, mechanical thrombectomy, stent★★★★★★★
  • Note:—GA indicates general anesthesia; CS, conscious sedation; IA, intra-arterial.

  • a Covidien, Irvine, California.

  • b One star is awarded for each quality item; 4 stars are the maximum for selection of groups, 2 stars are the maximum for comparability, and 3 stars are the maximum for ascertainment of outcome.