Table 3:

Relationship between MRI brain volumetric measures at baseline and evolution of changes over a 48-month period in patients with CISa

MRI Brain Volumetric Measures at BaselineMRI Brain Volume % Changes Over 48 mo
WBWMGMCorticalLateral VentricleSDGMThalamus
Normalized WB volume.712.004b.426.299<.001b.182.174
Normalized WM volume.591<.001b.711.904.001b.588.254
Normalized GM volume.881.794.049b.075.004b.069.248
Normalized cortical volume.847.774.075.040b.007b.192.343
Normalized lateral ventricle volume.066.156.935.587.013b.342.769
Total normalized SDGM volume.032b.710.177.291.394.042b.457
Normalized thalamic volume.115.578.243.291.343.038b<.001b
  • Note:—WB indicates whole brain.

  • a All data are reported as P values corrected by the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. Associations between MRI measures were tested by using mixed-model analysis.

  • b P < .05.