Table 3:

Seed-to-voxel–based connectivity results in the infrequent-seizure and healthy control groups

Seed RegionConnectivity RegionP Value (FDR Corrected)Cluster Size (No. of Voxels)β ValueaT Valueb
L posterior entorhinal cortexL fusiform gyrus (decreased).004140−0.156.73
L anterior prefrontal cortexL ventral posterior cingulate cortex (increased).0031360.127.34
L dorsal posterior cingulate cortex (increased).005740.106.17
R anterior cingulate cortexR posterior superior temporal gyrus (increased).0021720.106.82
  • Note:—L indicates left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere.

  • a β values represent Fisher-transformed correlation coefficient values.

  • b T values represent the strength of connectivity between the source seed region and correlated-voxels regions.