Table 5:

Linear regression coefficients for the relationships between PJVF and G′ and G″ with unrestricted flow and with jugular compression, and change in mean G′, G″, and maximal caudal CSF velocity

G′ and PJVF, unrestricted flow0.136.330
G′ and PJVF, jugular compression0.475.040a
G″ and PJVF, unrestricted flow0.151.301
G″ and PJVF, jugular compression0.449.048a
% Change G′ and % change in max. caudal CSF velocity0.412.063
% Change G″ and % change in max. caudal CSF velocity0.171.268
  • Note:—max. indicates maximum.

  • a P < .05, paired t test.