Table 3:

Clinicoradiologic characteristics of patients with cSS

Subject No.Type of DementiaAge (yr)SexLocation of cSSFrontalTemporalParietalOccipitalTopographic Distribution of MBsWMHaARWMC Rating Scaleb (R/L)
1AD79MRight frontal++Mixed11/11/01/1
2AD81FLeft occipitalNo MBs21/02/22/2
Right occipital
3AD84MLeft temporal+Strictly lobar32/23/32/1
4AD83FLeft temporal++Strictly lobar22/22/22/2
5AD78FRight temporal+++Strictly lobar10/01/10/0
6AD80MRight frontal++++Strictly lobar22/22/22/2
Right temporal
7AD78FRight frontal++++Strictly lobar10/11/01/1
Right temporal
8AD70FRight parietal+++Strictly lobar11/11/11/1
Right occipital
9DLB69FRight frontal++Mixed22/22/22/2
Right temporal
10VaD87MRight frontal+++Mixed21/12/22/2
Right temporal
Right occipital
Left temporal
Left occipital
11MCI82MRight occipital+Mixed33/33/23/3
Left occipital
12MCI80MLeft temporal++++Mixed33/33/33/3
  • Note:—ARWMC indicates age-related white matter changes; R/L, right/left; WMH, white matter hyperintensities; VaD, vascular dementia.

  • a WMH were graded according to the scale of Fazekas et al17: 0, absent; 1, punctate; 2, early confluent; and 3, confluent.

  • b ARWMC rating scale18: 0, no lesions (including symmetric, well-defined caps, or bands); 1, focal lesions; 2, beginning confluence of lesions; 3, diffuse involvement of the entire region, with or without involvement of U fibers.