Table 3:

List of types, manufacturers, and number of passes of devices used for mechanical thrombectomy

DeviceManufacturerSize (mm)No. of Patients TreatedTotal No. of Passes
AperioaAcandis4.5 × 3013
CaptureaMindFrameb4.0 × 2012
Catch MiniaBaltc3 × 1534
ERICaMicroVention4 × 2411
RevivedCodman4.5 × 2269
Solitaire FRdCovidien4 × 201217
Trevo ProVuedStrykere4 × 2012
  • a Devices fitting through .017-inch microcatheters (eg, Headway 17; MicroVention).

  • b Irvine, California.

  • c Montmorency, France.

  • d Devices fitting through .021-inch microcatheters (eg, Rebar 18; Covidien), and .027-inch microcatheters (Revive, Codman Neurovascular; Rebar 27, Covidien).

  • e Kalamazoo, Michigan.