Details of LAST2 CH2ANCE

LLarge vessel occlusionInternal carotid artery or proximal MCAa
AAge≥18 yrsa
SSymptomNIHSS score ≥6a
TTimeOnset to groin puncture time <6 ha
T2ThrombocytopeniaPLT ≥40*109/Lb
CCrippled/disabledmRS <2a
HHypoglycemiaCBG ≥2.7 mmol/Lb
H2HypertensionBP ≤185/110 mmHgb
AAnticoagulationINR ≤3.0b
NNonsalvageable brain tissueASPECTS ≥6a
CCollateralACG >1c
EExpectancy of life>90 db
  • Note:—ACG indicates American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology collateral grading; BP, blood pressure; CBG, capillary blood glucose; INR, international normalization ratio; PLT, platelet count.

  • a Criterion from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guidelines.

  • b Criterion from the protocol of MR CLEAN trial.

  • c Criterion we use in our daily practice but without consensus in the literature.