Table 2:

Presumed diagnosis based on imaging findings without clinical information

DiagnosisStandard Protocol10-Minute ProtocolPa
No. Cases (%)Mean No. of Lesions (95% CI)No. Cases (%)Mean No. of Lesions (95% CI)
Normal findings8b (15.1%)09b (17.0%)01.00
Neoplastic disease21 (39.6%)4.8 (1.8–7.7)21 (39.6%)4.8 (1.8–7.7)
Inflammatory disease2 (3.8%)2.5 (−16.5–1.6)2 (3.8%)2.5 (−16.5–21.6)
CNS infection0 (0%)00 (0%)0
Vascular pathologies5b (9.4%)2 (0.8–3.2)4b (7.6%)1.5 (−0.1–3.1)
Posttreatment and/or postsurgical changes15 (28.3%)2.9 (2.2–3.7)15 (28.3%)2.9 (2.2–3.7)
Undetermined2 (3.8%)12 (3.8%)1
  • a McNemar test between standard and 10-minute protocols.

  • b A case was diagnosed as a vascular lesion in the standard protocol sequences, but it was considered normal enhancement in the 10-minute protocol. Retrospectively, this lesion was present in the 10-minute protocol sequences and compatible with a small capillary telangiectasia.