Demographics and diffusion and volumetric analysis by region

Control (n = 100)TTH (n = 31)MTH (n = 23)
    Median age (range) (mo)98 (4–213)99 (24–209)83 (12–212)
    Sex (M/F)36:6413:186:17
    Family history of any headache (No.) (%)6 (19%)10 (43%)
ADC on neuroimaging ([mean ×10−6 mm2/s], standard error,a P value vs control)
    Cerebral cortex899.05 (3.44)901.78 (7.04) >.5907.29 (8.22) >.5
    Thalamus812.48 (3.51)815.44 (6.26) >.5833.11 (7.11) .045b
    Caudate815.16 (3.98)821.42 (7.11) >.5833.99 (8.64) .149
    Putamen799.94 (3.48)792.42 (6.21) >.5800.75 (7.55) >.5
    Pallidum836.62 (4.05)822.09 (7.22) .24838.30 (8.78) >.5
    Hippocampus935.52 (4.50)965.45 (8.03) .013b970.46 (9.76) .038b
    Amygdala885.83 (3.79)882.75 (6.78) >.5904.48 (8.24) .113
    Nucleus accumbens856.83 (4.72)841.45 (8.43) .34850.75 (8.43) >.5
    Brain stem806.72 (3.43)825.01 (6.13) .05b840.71 (7.45) <.001b
Volume on neuroimaging (mean [in mL], standard error,a P value vs control)
    Cerebral cortex344.33 (4.19)350.56 (3.92) >.5362.54 (9.08) .212
    Thalamus6.62 (0.08)5.54 (0.12) .1485.71 (0.15) >.5
    Caudate2.68 (0.04)2.64 (0.06) >.52.71 (0.08) >.5
    Putamen4.49 (0.06)4.46 (0.06) >.54.63 (0.12) >.5
    Pallidum1.46 (0.02)1.42 (0.03) >.51.50 (0.04) >.5
    Hippocampus3.10 (0.04)3.07 (0.07) >.53.21 (0.08) >.5
    Amygdala1.53 (0.02)1.55 (0.04) >.51.59 (0.04) >.5
    Nucleus accumbens0.37 (0.01)0.38 (0.04) >.50.039 (0.01) >.5
    Brain stem22.79 (0.30)22.51 (0.53) .10822.97 (0.64) >.5
  • a Means and standard error were corrected to an age of 97 months in all groups.

  • b Significant.