Table 4:

Spine MRI findings at initial presentation of myelopathy

Mean time from symptom onset to first MRI (mo)6 (Range, 0–41)
Level of longitudinally extensive myelitis (No. of patients) (%)Cervical: 3 (27%)
Thoracic: 5 (45%)
Cervical and thoracic: 2 (18%)
Entire spine: 1 (9%)
Level of vertebral T1 hyperintensities (No. of patients) (%)Cervical: 2 (18%)
Cervical and thoracic: 3 (27%)
Thoracic: 1 (9%)
Thoracic and lumbar: 1 (9%)
Entire spine: 2 (18%)
No changes: 2 (18%)
Location of axial T2 changes (No. of patients) (%)Central (>2/3): 4 (36%)
Central and posterior: 1 (9%)
Entire cord: 5 (45%)
Indeterminate: 1 (9%)
Cord expansion (No. of patients) (%)Present: 6 (54%)
Absent: 3 (27%)
Indeterminate: 2 (18%)
Contrast enhancement (No. of patients) (%)Enhancement present: 5 (45%)
No enhancement: 5 (45%)
Contrast not given: 1 (9%)