Outcome data of the studied groupsa

OutcomesEndovascular TreatmentMechanical Thrombectomy
AllGroup A (n = 64)Group B (n = 29)P (A vs B)AllGroup A (n = 56)Group B (n = 23)P (A vs B)
NIHSS score
    Deterioration at 24 hr13 (14.0)7 (10.9)6 (20.7).2212 (15.2)6 (10.7)6 (26.1).09
    NIHSS shift at dischargeb−0.6−0.6−0.5.94−0.4−
mRS at 90 days
    mRS 0–155 (59.1)41 (64.1)14 (48.2).1546 (58.2)35 (62.5)11 (47.8).23
    mRS 0–268 (73.1)48 (75.0)20 (69.0).5456 (70.9)42 (75.0)14 (60.9).20
Safety outcome
    sICH at 48 hr8 (8.6)6 (9.4)2 (6.9)1.008 (10.1)6 (10.7)2 (8.7)1.00
    90-Day mortality5 (5.4)4 (6.3)1 (3.4)1.004 (5.1)3 (5.4)1 (4.3)1.00
    Composite outcome10 (10.8)8 (12.5)2 (6.9).729 (11.4)7 (12.5)2 (8.7)1.00
  • a Results are shown as number (%) unless stated otherwise.

  • b Excluding death.