Table 2:

Procedural parameters, treatment results, follow-up, and outcomea

No. of treatment procedures
    Total No. of treatment procedures25
    1 treatment procedure per patient19 (86.4%)
    2 treatment procedures per patient3 (13.6%)
Selected feeder for embolization
    Middle meningeal artery18 (80.0%)
    Occipital artery5 (24.0%)
    Others2 (8.0%)
No. of embolization positions
    120 (80.0%)
    ≥25 (20.0%)
    Overall complications5 (20.0%)
    Asymptomatic complications3 (12.0%)
    Transient symptomatic complications2 (8.0%)
    Symptomatic complications with permanent neurologic deficits0 (0%)
    Follow-up (mo)18 ± 18
    Postinterventional angiography available17 (77.2%)
    Postinterventional MRI available22 (100%)
Angiographic outcome
    Initial complete angiographic occlusion14 (63.6%)
    Spontaneous occlusion after subtotal endovascular occlusion5 (22.7%)
    Time from last treatment to diagnosis of spontaneous occlusion (mo)3.5 ± 6.0
    Overall complete occlusion at last examination19 (86.4%)
    Residual fistula at last examination3 (13.6%)
Clinical outcome
    Postinterventional mRS at discharge1 ± 1
    Postinterventional mRS 6 mo after treatment1 ± 1
    Complete symptom remission after treatment15 (68.2%)
    Symptom relief after treatment6 (27.3%)
    Stable symptoms after treatment1 (4.6%)
    Worsening of symptoms after treatment0 (0%)
  • a Data are presented as No. (relative frequency in %) or mean ± SD.