Table 1:

Demography of the study populationc

Patients with MS
Age (yr)44.5 ± 12
Disease duration (yr)14.5 ± 9.7
MS subtype (RR/SP/PP) (No.)13/7/1
Disease-modifying therapy (No.) (%)14 (67%)
EDSS score (median) (interquartile range)2.0 (2.0)
Symbol Digit Modalities Test, z scores (median) (interquartile range)−0.48 (1.46)
Verbal Fluency Test z scores−0.37 ± 1.37
Fatigue Severity Scale score4.53 ± 1.79
  • Note:—RR indicates relapsing-remitting; SP, secondary-progressive; PP, primary-progressive.

  • a Values reported as mean ± SD unless otherwise specified.