Comparison of MRI-measured optic nerve area between patients' affected and unaffected eyes and healthy eyes of controls and comparison of RNFL thickness between patients' affected and unaffected eyesa

Optic Nerves
Patients' Affected (n = 34)Patients' Unaffected (n = 18)Healthy (n = 90)
RNFL (μm)67.12 ± 13.5594.00 ± 8.66NA
Pp < .001
Optic nerve area (mm2)3.09 ± 1.095.27 ± 1.396.27 ± 2.64
Pp = .008Pc < .001
Puc = .21
  • Note:—NA indicates not applicable; Pc, comparison between patients' affected optic nerves and control optic nerves; Pp, comparison between patients' affected and unaffected optic nerves; Puc, comparison between patients' unaffected optic nerves and control optic nerves.

  • a Data are mean ± SD unless otherwise indicated. No OCT data were available for the 90 healthy eyes in the control population because these individuals did not have clinical symptoms to warrant OCT measurement.