Table 2:

WSM and aneurysm occlusion by device type

Follow-Up, Occlusion GroupaDL (n = 12)SL (n = 12)SLS (n = 12)Total (n = 36)
With WSM, No. (%)Without WSM, No. (%)With WSM, No. (%)Without WSM, No. (%)With WSM, No. (%)Without WSM, No. (%)With WSM, No. (%)Without WSM, No. (%)
3 Months
 Grade I or II4 (33.3)001 (8.3)1 (8.3)3 (25.0)5 (13.9)4 (11.1)
 Grade III or IV2 (16.7)03 (25.0)2 (16.7)1 (8.3)1 (8.3)6 (16.7)3 (8.3)
12 Months
 Grade I or II3 (25.0)1 (8.3)1 (8.3)002 (16.7)4 (11.1)3 (8.3)
 Grade III or IV1 (8.3)1 (8.3)5 (41.7)01 (8.3)3 (25.0)7 (19.4)4 (11.1)
Total10 (83.3)2 (16.7)9 (75.0)3 (25.0)3 (25.0)9 (33.3)22 (61.1)14 (38.9)
  • a Grade I represents complete occlusion; grade II, complete occlusion with recess filling; grade III, residual neck; grade IV, residual aneurysm.