Authors | Publication Date | Aneurysm Type | No. of Patients/Mean Age | Treatments | Results/Occlusion Rates | Complications |
Maus et al24 | 2018 | Dissecting vertebrobasilar | 1556 yr | 15 IAs, 22 FDSs, treatment within 12 h of SAH onset | 36% Directly occluded; 100% occluded on FU | 3 (Ischemia, vessel perforation, ongoing active bleeding) |
Bhogal et al22 | 2018 | Small IA (1–4 mm) | 760 yr | 7 IAs, 8 FDSs, treatment within 6.3 days from SAH (median) | 100% Occluded on FU | None |
Lozupone et al23 | 2018 | 8 BBAs, 9 dissecting IAs | 174 yr | 17 IAs, 21 FDs, treatment within 4.2 days (median) | 12 of 15 Patients followed-up | 12% Mortality;12% morbidity |
AlMatter et al21 | 2019 | Saccular (18), fusiform (5), BBA (7), dissecting (15) | 4558. 8 yr | 45 IAs, FDSs as sole or adjunct device, treatment within 30 days after SAH | 94.6% Complete occlusion on follow-up among survivors | 13.3%; 2.2% Morbidity; 4.4% mortality |
Note:—IA indicates intracranial aneurysm; FDS, flow-diverting stent; FU, follow-up; BBA, blood-blister-like aneurysm; FD, flow diverter.