Table 4:

Complications by aneurysm size

ComplicationsSmall (n = 386) (N = 473)Large (n = 339) (N = 357)Giant (n = 62) (N = 66)Total (n = 793)a,b (N = 906)P Value
Anterior (n = 372)Posterior (n = 14)Anterior (n = 309)Posterior (n = 30)Anterior (n = 52)Posterior (n = 10)
Mean aneurysm size (mm)5.1 ± 2.26.0 ± 2.614.8 ± 4.015.0 ± 4.328.8 ± 5.329.1 ± 7.210.7 ± 7.7<.001
Spontaneous rupture0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (0.5%)0 (0%)3 (5.8%)0 (0%)5 (0.6%)<.01
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage7 (1.9%)0 (0%)8 (2.6%)0 (0%)3 (5.8%)1 (10.0%)19 (2.4%).24
Ischemic stroke10 (2.7%)1 (7.1%)16 (5.2%)1 (3.3%)7 (13.5%)2 (20.0%)37 (4.7%)<.01
Parent artery stenosis1 (0.3%)0 (0%)1 (0.3%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (0.3%)1.0
Cranial neuropathy0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (0.6%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)2 (0.3%).41
Neurologic morbidity18 (4.8%)1 (7.1%)24 (7.8%)1 (3.3%)12 (23.1%)3 (30.0%)59 (7.4%)<.01
Neurologic mortality6 (1.6%)1 (7.1%)15 (4.9%)2 (6.7%)3 (5.8%)3 (30.0%)30 (3.8%)<.01
Neurologic morbidity and mortalitya (all patients)19 (5.1%)2 (14.3%)27 (8.7%)3 (10.0%)12 (23.1%)4 (40.0%)67 (8.4%)<.01
Neurologic morbidity and mortality (patients with unruptured aneurysms)11/321 (3.4%)1/12 (8.3%)23/291 (7.9%)3/29 (10.3%)12/51 (23.5%)3/9 (33.3%)53/717 (7.4%)<.01
Neurologic morbidity and mortality (patients with ruptured aneurysms)8/51 (15.7%)1/2 (50.0%)4/18 (22.2%)0/1 (0%)0/1 (0%)1/1 (100%)14/76 (18.4%).23
Neurologic morbidity and mortality (excluding ruptured, dissecting, or fusiform aneurysms)11/294 (3.7%)0/7 (0%)12/217 (5.5%)2/13 (15.4%)7/37 (18.9%)1/5 (20.0%)33/574 (5.7%)<.01
  • Note:n indicates the number of patients; N, number of aneurysms.

  • a Six patients did not have aneurysm size reported.

  • b Numbers do not sum across categories because some patients experienced >1 event.