Table 2:

Therapy and symptoms before and after venous sinus stent placementa

Before Venous Sinus Stent PlacementAfter Venous Sinus Stent Placement
Data Available (%) (No.)Data Available (%) (No.)
Headache intensity (VAS)84.6% (11/13)7 (5.5–9.0)Headache intensity (VAS)84.6% (11/13)0 (0–0)
Headache intensity improvement (VAS)84.6% (11/13)−7 (−9 to −4.5)
Headache, frequency (per wk)84.6% (11/13)7 (4.5–7)Headache frequency (per wk)84.6% (11/13)0 (0–0)
 ≤115.4% (2) ≤184.6% (11)
 2–40.0% (0/0) 2–40.0% (0)
 >469.2% (9) >40.0% (0)
Patients with >1 type of headache84.6% (11/13)46.2% (6)Headache frequency improvement (per wk)84.6% (11/13)−7 (−7 to −4.5)
Nausea/emesis100% (13/13)61.5% (8)Nausea/emesis IMP-AF100% (8/8)100% (8)
Photophobia/phonophobia100% (13/13)23.1% (3)Photophobia/phonophobia IMP-AF100% (3/3)100% (3)
Tinnitus100% (13/13)61.5% (8)Tinnitus IMP-AF100% (8/8)75.0% (6)
Diplopia100% (13/13)23.1% (3)Diplopia IMP-AF100% (3/3)100% (3)
Visual disturbances100% (13/13)69.2% (9)Visual disturbances IMP-AF100% (9/9)88.9% (8)
Papilledema100% (13/13)69.2% (9)Papilledema IMP-AF88.9% (8/9)88.9% (8)
Daily life impairment84.6% (11/13)84.6% (11)Daily life quality IMP-AF100% (11/11)100% (11/11)
Symptom duration (mo)100% (15/15)23.6 (7.3–52.1)Follow-up period (mo)100% (13/13)16.6 (7.8–32.2)
Other therapy
 Conservative therapy100% (13/13)92.3% (12)
 Duration of conservative therapy (in months)100% (15/15)18.9 (6–26)
 Surgical therapy100% (15/15)7.7% (1)
  • Note:—HA indicates headache; IMP-AF, improvement among affected.

  • a Data are expressed as percentages (No.) or median (interquartile range [25%–75%]).