Table 1:

Comparison of patients with and without truncation in the fixed-timing cohort

VariableTruncationUnivariable ModelsMultivariable Model
Yes (n = 15)No (n = 138)ORa95% CIP ValueORa95% CIP Value
Age (yr)Mean, 72 (SD, 13)Mean, 66 (SD, 15)1.420.95––3.01.02
rLVEF7 (47%)17 (12%)6.232.00–19.36.0029.232.53–33.69.001
Atrial fibrillation10 (67%)55 (40%)3.020.98–9.31.05
Hypertension7 (47%)96 (70%)0.380.13––1.05.06
Diabetes mellitus5 (33%)45 (33%)1.030.33–3.20.95
Hyperlipidemia6 (40%)65 (47%)0.750.25–2.22.60
  • a Odds ratio for age is presented per 10-year increase; the intercept term in the multivariable model was −6.33 on the log-odds scale.