Spinal Cord Arteriovenous Malformations in a Pediatric Population Children below 15 Years of Age The Place of Endovascular Management

Interv Neuroradiol. 1995 Nov 30;1(1):29-42. doi: 10.1177/159101999500100106. Epub 2001 May 15.


Among a global group of 164 spinal arteriovenous shunts, a series of 16 spinal cord arteriovenous malformations (SCAVMs) were diagnosed in a pediatric population below 15 years of age. The majority of the lesions affected the male population; 6 were located in the cervical spine and 10 at the thoracolumbar level. Hemorrhage was the most frequent symptom encountered (63%). Half of the bleeds occurred only in the subarachnoid spaces. Neurological deficits (acute or progressive) revealed the SCAVM in 31 % of patients. The lesion was an incidental finding in one patient (6%). All the diagnoses (except one) were made by MRI. Selective angiography confirmed the diagnosis and identified the type of the lesion (nidus or fistula) and its angioarchitecture, stressing that the veins and their related features are the key point in the clinical eloquence of SCAVMs. All the treatments performed were endovascular; no patient was deemed a surgical candidate. Therapeutic abstention was decided in 37% of cases, mainly for anatomical reasons. All the patients in this group improved (50% being normal and 50% presenting slight non-handicapping deficits due to the initial accidents). Embolisation was indicated in 10 patients (63%) and was performed with fluid agents (histoacryl(*)) except in the first patient who had been treated with particles. Twelve percent of patients were cured (fistula), the remaining 88% having their lesion controlled to more than 50%. This partial treatment was always targetted towards the angioarchitectural weak points of the lesion. All patients improved after embolisation, 45% of them being neurologically normal. Follow-up in this group ranges from 1.5 to 13 Years. No complications occurred after embolisation. No bleed, rebleed or clinical worsening has occurred after endovascular treatment. The results in this series suggest that endovascular treatment (even partial but targetted) represents a safe and stable therapeutic alternative in the management of SCAVMs in this population.