Index by author
May 01, 2010; Volume 31,Issue 5
Aagaard-kienitz, B.
- InterventionalYou have accessParametric Color Coding of Digital Subtraction AngiographyC.M. Strother, F. Bender, Y. Deuerling-Zheng, K. Royalty, K.A. Pulfer, J. Baumgart, M. Zellerhoff, B. Aagaard-Kienitz, D.B. Niemann and M.L. LindstromAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 919-924; DOI:
Abe, T.
- Patient SafetyYou have accessLens Exposure during Brain Scans Using Multidetector Row CT Scanners: Methods for Estimation of Lens DoseS. Suzuki, S. Furui, T. Ishitake, T. Abe, H. Machida, R. Takei, K. Ibukuro, A. Watanabe, T. Kidouchi and Y. NakanoAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 822-826; DOI:
Agid, R.
- InterventionalOpen AccessPercutaneous Sclerotherapy for Facial Venous Malformations: Subjective Clinical and Objective MR Imaging Follow-Up ResultsJ. Spence, T. Krings, K.G. terBrugge, L.B. da Costa and R. AgidAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 955-960; DOI:
Amato, C.
- LetterYou have accessSchimmelpenning Syndrome: A Kind of Craniofacial Epidermal Nevus Associated with Cerebral and Ocular MR Imaging AbnormalitiesC. Amato, M. Elia and C. SchepisAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) E47-E48; DOI:
Ansari, S.A.
- InterventionalYou have accessUsefulness of Percutaneously Injected Ethylene-Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer in Conjunction with Standard Endovascular Embolization Techniques for Preoperative Devascularization of Hypervascular Head and Neck Tumors: Technique, Initial Experience, and Correlation with Surgical ObservationsJ.J. Gemmete, N. Chaudhary, A. Pandey, D. Gandhi, S.E. Sullivan, L.J. Marentette, D.B. Chepeha and S.A. AnsariAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 961-966; DOI:
Anwar, Z.
- SpineYou have accessAdult Lumbar Scoliosis: Underreported on Lumbar MR ScansZ. Anwar, E. Zan, S.K. Gujar, D.M. Sciubba, L.H. Riley, Z.L. Gokaslan and D.M. YousemAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 832-837; DOI:
Anxionnat, R.
- InterventionalOpen AccessImmediate Anatomic Results after the Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: Analysis in the CLARITY SeriesL. Pierot, C. Cognard, F. Ricolfi, R. Anxionnat and for the CLARITY InvestigatorsAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 907-911; DOI:
Arnold, M.
- InterventionalYou have accessIn Vivo Evaluation of the Phenox CRC Mechanical Thrombectomy Device in a Swine Model of Acute Vessel OcclusionP. Mordasini, M. Hiller, C. Brekenfeld, G. Schroth, U. Fischer, J. Slotboom, M. Arnold and J. GrallaAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 972-978; DOI:
Atkinson, J.L.
- InterventionalYou have accessA Prospective Trial of 3T and 1.5T Time-of-Flight and Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography in the Follow-Up of Coiled Intracranial AneurysmsT.J. Kaufmann, J. Huston, H.J. Cloft, J. Mandrekar, L. Gray, M.A. Bernstein, J.L. Atkinson and D.F. KallmesAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 912-918; DOI:
Ay, H.
- Patient SafetyOpen AccessFunctional Contrast-Enhanced CT for Evaluation of Acute Ischemic Stroke Does Not Increase the Risk of Contrast-Induced NephropathyF.O. Lima, M.H. Lev, R.A. Levy, G.S. Silva, M. Ebril, É.C. de Camargo, S. Pomerantz, A.B. Singhal, D.M. Greer, H. Ay, R. Gilberto González, W.J. Koroshetz, W.S. Smith and K.L. FurieAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology May 2010, 31 (5) 817-821; DOI:
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