Research ArticleHEAD AND NECK
Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma Presenting as a Mass of the Parapharyngeal and Masticator Space
So Lyung Jung, Kyu Ho Choi, Young Ha Park, Hyun Chul Song and Mi Seon Kwon
American Journal of Neuroradiology October 1999, 20 (9) 1744-1746;
So Lyung Jung
Kyu Ho Choi
Young Ha Park
Hyun Chul Song

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In this issue
So Lyung Jung, Kyu Ho Choi, Young Ha Park, Hyun Chul Song, Mi Seon Kwon
Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma Presenting as a Mass of the Parapharyngeal and Masticator Space
American Journal of Neuroradiology Oct 1999, 20 (9) 1744-1746;
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