Index by author
September 01, 2003; Volume 24,Issue 8
Adachi, Michito
- BRAINYou have accessMorphology of the Inner Structure of the Hippocampal Formation in Alzheimer DiseaseMichito Adachi, Shinobu Kawakatsu, Takaaki Hosoya, Koichi Otani, Tsuguo Honma, Akiko Shibata and Yukio SugaiAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1575-1581;
Aho, Todd R.
- HEAD AND NECKYou have accessIntralabyrinthine MeningiomaTodd R. Aho, C. Phillip Daspit, Bruce L. Dean and Robert C. WallaceAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1642-1645;
Allsop, Joanna M.
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessT2 Relaxation Values in the Developing Preterm BrainSerena J. Counsell, Nigel L. Kennea, Amy H. Herlihy, Joanna M. Allsop, Michael C. Harrison, Frances M. Cowan, Joseph V. Hajnal, Bridget Edwards, A. David Edwards and Mary A. RutherfordAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1654-1660;
Altinok, Deniz
- HEAD AND NECKYou have accessSinonasal Ossifying Fibroma with Fluid-Fluid Levels on MR ImagesAyse Tuba Karagulle Kendi, Simay Kara, Deniz Altinok and Semih KeskilAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1639-1641;
Ariagno, R.L.
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessDiffusion Tensor Brain Imaging Findings At Term-equivalent Age May Predict Neurologic Abnormalities in Low Birth Weight Preterm InfantsY. Arzoumanian, M. Mirmiran, P.D. Barnes, K. Woolley, R.L. Ariagno, M.E. Moseley, B.E. Fleisher and S.W. AtlasAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1646-1653;
Arzoumanian, Y.
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessDiffusion Tensor Brain Imaging Findings At Term-equivalent Age May Predict Neurologic Abnormalities in Low Birth Weight Preterm InfantsY. Arzoumanian, M. Mirmiran, P.D. Barnes, K. Woolley, R.L. Ariagno, M.E. Moseley, B.E. Fleisher and S.W. AtlasAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1646-1653;
Atlas, S.W.
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessDiffusion Tensor Brain Imaging Findings At Term-equivalent Age May Predict Neurologic Abnormalities in Low Birth Weight Preterm InfantsY. Arzoumanian, M. Mirmiran, P.D. Barnes, K. Woolley, R.L. Ariagno, M.E. Moseley, B.E. Fleisher and S.W. AtlasAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1646-1653;
Bahren, W.
- HEAD AND NECKYou have accessMR Imaging of Traumatic Lesions of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve in Patients with Fractures of the MandibleB. Kress, A. Gottschalk, C. Stippich, F. Palm, W. Bähren and K. SartorAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1635-1638;
Barker, Peter B.
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessProton MR Spectroscopic Imaging in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher DiseaseFrancesca Pizzini, Ali. S. Fatemi, Peter B. Barker, Lidia M. Nagae-Poetscher, Alena Horská, Andrew W. Zimmerman, Hugo W. Moser, Genila Bibat and Sakkubai NaiduAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1683-1689;
Barkovich, A. James
- PEDIATRICSYou have accessComparing the Diagnosis of White Matter Injury in Premature Newborns with Serial MR Imaging and Transfontanel Ultrasonography FindingsSteven P. Miller, Camilla Ceppi Cozzio, Ruth B. Goldstein, Donna M. Ferriero, J. Colin Partridge, Daniel B. Vigneron and A. James BarkovichAmerican Journal of Neuroradiology September 2003, 24 (8) 1661-1669;
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