J.D. Pickard, N. Akalan, C. Di Rocco, V.V. Dolenc, J. Lobo Antunes, J.J.A. Mooij, J. Schramm, M. Sindou, eds. New York: Springer Wien; 2008, 282 pages, 74 figures, $179.00.
This volume of Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery is part of a series intended as a supplement to the European postgraduate training system for young neurosurgeons. The first part of each volume discusses recent advances in the fields of neurosurgery and related areas. The second part of each volume consists of descriptions of operative procedures and reviews of various established aspects of neurosurgery. The “Advances” section of this volume contains 3 chapters covering brain plasticity and tumors, biology and treatment of skull base chordomas, and the genetics of intracranial aneurysm formation and rupture. The “Technical Standards” section includes 2 chapters on skull base topics and 1 chapter on the management of brachial plexus injuries. The first skull base chapter covers an extended endoscopic approach to the midline skull base. The other skull base chapter describes the surgical anatomy of the jugular foramen. A superficial inspection of the volume suggests that it is well illustrated with both radiographic and surgical images. Although the series is published in Europe, all contributions are in English. The editors believe that these volumes are of use to experienced neurosurgeons, as well as to those in training. Many of the chapters in this book may also be useful to neuroradiologists.
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